Issy darlin, remember how you told me I was eating to much? Remember
how you accused me of eating to much of the kibble? Remember how you
said I wasn't leaving enough kibble for everyone else? Remember how I
told you that I hadn't been eating to much kibble, and that you were 
n error?

Well, don't say I didn't tell you so, but........ YOUR WRONG!! WRONG,
WRONG, WRONG! ::weasel wardance::

And ya know how I know? I was reading the article called "Trick or
Treat for Ferrets" by Jennifer Mons McLaughlin, on the Ferret Magazine
on line site. And that's when I knew. It said,

"Every batch of every product that is made comes into my office first
and I taste it," Pietroiacovo said. "When the finished product hits my
desk, I taste it and then take it over to the shelter and taste-test it
on all ferrets." And she has gotten very good at what she does. "I can
taste it and say it didn't get this or it needs this," she said. "If I
try it and its gross, I say no way." See!! That Peitroiacovo person is
Mommy!! MOMMY has been eating all our food. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I told you
it wasn't me!!!! Good try Tonksie. Mommys name isn't Pietroicovo, it's
BigOname. And besides, ::pokin Tonk's belly::: I can SEE where the
kibble is going. Sigh.... you women always stick together! Hey Mom!
What's your favorite formula?? And do you drink Vivify too?

Tonks & Mz Izzy

[Posted in FML 6144]