Danee DeVore wrote:
>While the shelters receiving these ferrets may have been advised of
>their medical status, it is only fair to also advise those considering
>helping in their transport of the status. If the ferrets in need of
>transport might be carrying CDV or ADV, it is only fair to let all
>people involved know about this.

Thank you, Danee, for confirming that the questions I asked were not
out of line, nor am I one of the "there's one in every group" people.
You, of all people, know the dangers of ADV exposure and people should
listen to you, if not to me. I felt these were valid questions to ask,
and had noticed the absence of this information in the request for
transporters. To possibly expose other ferrets to ADV or CDV due to
information being withheld is not an honest way to handle things. Each
request for volunteers should offer full disclosure so that people can
make informed decisions. In this case, the absence of a response to my
questions gave me the answer, and I chose not to assist in the

I am disturbed with statements that is it now considered "okay" to
relocate unvaccinated and untested ferrets based on the Ohio rescue.
That rescue was unprecedented and I think everyone agrees now that they
should have been vetted prior to leaving the holding facility. The risk
of spreading disease all over the country was great and it could have
been catastrophic to the ferret population. Fortunately, it seemed to
work out okay, but the results could have been far different.

When asking people to help with this type of situation, honesty is
the best policy. Anything less does not reflect well on the people or
shelter arranging the relocation.


[Posted in FML 6164]