A $100.00 check came to Zoo`s Ferret Sanctuary from Fran Brown

The note with it explained that this money came from her raffle at the
symposium & the I <3 CSI pins. I want to thank all involved with this
from the bottom of my heart.

This Thanksgiving, I am especially grateful for friends who partner
with us, in giving a good life & a second chance to many whose lives
seemed helpless, before coming here.

May God bless you richly.

I also want to thank the many caring people who are sending the
wonderful Thanksgiving cards to the shelters. We have received
several in the last few days, and they have been very uplifting.

Everybody likes to feel appreciated. Especially when they are tired
from being up all night with a sick one, are cleaning the floor for the
eighth time in a day, or they grab a litterpan & discover the hard way
that there was poo on it .( We literally have our hands full LOL!) All
of these cards have been so thoughtful, & full of love--some even with
pictures of your own kids! Thank you so much.

This is a great community.

Please give your babies a snuggle from us!


[Posted in FML 6162]