I feel happy because Lucas started to eat on his own this week. I still
help him a bit and hand-feed him soup twice a day. When I saw him
crunching his kibble without a care in the world I wept for joy. I feel
sad because today Matilda had what appears to be a classic insulinoma
episode. She started to wobble really bad, then her 4 legs spread apart
and she fell on her tummy. Then she tried to get up and fell on her
side. She couldn't get up. The look on her eyes was pure confusion and
fear. I'm heartbroken. I dabbed a little Karo syrup on her gums and
gave her soup. She seems fine now, but tomorrow we're going to the vet.
I feel like crying.

Has anyone used Flor*Essence (Essiac) to help with insulinoma? Please
let me know your experiences with this.

Alicia and The Precious - Matilda, Mateo & Lucas

[Posted in FML 6162]