Dear Sara Ferret

Please give a greeting to **Argon of Two Seas** (Dark Sable) who got
really sick with a nasty abcess in his jaw bone, and we helped him
cross over (late pm Thursday 23rd November) as he couldnt open his
mouth and was in stress and pain.

"Chrony" crossed just recently meeting up with Latte, Siteva, and
Shorty (girls) and with Ash, Chocolate our loved boys. And I am sure
they will welcome him along with others fuzzy friends

It was so sudden, so devastating, but pain free and running cross the
Rainbow Bridge I am sure once his jaw is healed he has a most awesome
dook and loves to run at top speed all 2.25 Kg of Natural ferret.

He loves bright yellow beanbags so if you lose one find Argon and you
will find the beanbag/s

We lit a candle, left it to burn itself out so you had a light in the
night to show you the way

Missed so much by his brother Gryphon, and sisters Tundra and Shawnee,
and by his hoomans who wish so much he still lived amongst us. Sorry I
got your coat wet boy just couldnt hold those tears away, and I wish
you'd got to test your fancy hammock with your painted name on it. It
hangs upon the wall to honour all you gave to me and the clan. 2 short
years, so few but with so much hope and love and dreams fulfilled. Your
Sparkle goes on with your beautiful legacies, brightening hearts

Parting is such sweet sorrow
knowing you are going to a better place

Knowing here we will miss your face
your gentle powerfilled soul
no more will dook and race,
poor Gryphon his big strong buddy
and tag team partner gone who will he
wrestle with now.

The piece of my heart that travels with you is yours forever a gift
in return for the love you awakened within me

love and blessings my child

[Posted in FML 6162]