I've never been to anything where each and every person there were such
great, special people! I got to meet two of my favorite ferret heroes
for many years, Dr. Bruce Williams and Jean Carley. Before I left there
I had MANY more heroes and hopefully friends. The panel of vets and the
other less known speakers who have knowledge and compassion to do
everything in their power to help us and our precious furkids.

Getting to meet and share cake with the Willards and see Travis propose
to April was an extra added bonus. Many, many good wishes to Travis and
April. (Travis can "wash your hair" every day now)......LOLLOL

Thank you to those of you who brought your ferrets and shared them with
the rest of us who needed a "ferret fix". And Fran's "ferret bingo" was
a real hit. This may have been my first symposium, but it will NOT be
my last! Thanks to All of you for the wonderful memories. :)

Fuzzy hugs to all
Volunteer, Kansas City Ferret Hotline

[Posted in FML 6161]