It's Almost Christmas time again... in case you haven't noticed!

The Christmas Card Exchange sign up is under way! It's really easy
to sign up and LOADS of fun. Everyone loves getting cards and letters
in the mail... and who better to get it from than from your FERRET
FRIENDS! This is a wonderful Card Exchange for everyone. It's not just
fun receiving the cards.. but sending them too is loads of fun for

The money raised from this Card Exchange is going to be used for the
Support Our Shelters (SOS) General Fund.

There is NO COST to join the Card Exchange. However, if you want you
can include a couple dollars when you mail one to me for SOS. The money
that is raised from this card exchange will go into the SOS General
Fund so that we can continue to help shelters in need. Just remember...
you don't have to give money to participate... but you do have to send
a card/letter and HAVE FUN!

It's SIMPLE!!!!!!! .............. It's FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's

So what are you waiting for? You have until December 12th to join in
the exchange!

All you need to do to join is to email me with your name and mailing

After the cut off date I will send you a list with about 10 names (or
less) on it. You simply send a card/letter to everyone on your list!

Joanne Werstlein
(feel free to cross post)

[Posted in FML 6160]