Mary wrote:
>Subject: Re: Ferret Lifespan
>>One cannot but wonder how long a neutered/spayed human being could
>>live compared to an intact man.
>I don't know about castrated males but there are many women who have
>been spayed, although we humans call it hysterectomy, who live to a
>ripe old age. Admittedly they tend to have been operated on as adults
>not as babies like many ferrets in America.

One more point on human hysterectomies-- humans take hormonal
supplementation afterwards... something young ferrets do not receive!
Meanwhile they are castrated/ spayed priori to major growth &
development ( we are talking main stream pet shop ferrets) so their
musculature, bone density and immune systems do NOT fully develop.

I am so enlightened to hear that Dr Shoemaker stated at the IFC
symposium that effects of spay/neuter DO set in and adrenal
complications are apparent 3 years after spay/neuter. That falls
right into my observations here of both early & late alter ferrets.
Can't wait to see his study published!

at Ferret Wise

[Posted in FML 6160]