Gordon, I too have a couple fuzzies that love to DIG in the water
bowl, Rosa will dig at the water bowl, first one paw then the other
one while all the while has her head in the water!! LOL Scooter just
likes to push the bowl around until it turns over all over the carpet!!
And he loves to snorkel too before dumping the dish. My Sam just likes
to nudge the bowl up a little so it comes back with a splash!! My Elvis
also loved to snorkle and play in the bowl. They are so funny to watch
and Rosawill also play in their lock on crock in the cage and get the
towel under the dish wet, silly kids. Mine, too, think the food is
better all over the floor so Mom keeps stepping on it!! I am glad that
Peekaboo ran out of gas finally so you could catch her!! You really
make me laugh with your stories, keep them coming, they make my day!!!

Julie, Sam, Sunny, Rosa & Scooter

[Posted in FML 6158]