My Ivan has a very unique way of getting his drinks of water.

He tunnels under the towel I have on the floor of the cage, tosses his
head up so that he makes a nice little pouch for his head to fit into,
then "dumpster dives" into the bowl, drinking the water, *flitered*
through the towel.

I guess this is just Ivan's version of a Brita filter.....

Lin, Max, Puck, Ivan, & Mason
~ Missing my angel Ariel - 20 April 2000 - 20 January 2007. Wait for
  me, my Baby Girl. I miss you so much. ~
~ Missing my Oberon - 4 July 2001 - 5 May 2008 - I love you, my Big
  Silly Boy. Wait for me. ~
~ Missing my Madison - ? - 9 September 2008 - Our time was too short,
  but my love is forever. ~
email me at: kay tee en eye el at double-u owe aich dot ar ar dot
see owe em

[Posted in FML 6158]