FYI I am watching for an obit in the local paper, i have seen nothing
yet. Should the arrangements be made (public knowledge) I really hope
some folks step up to help this family heal, (with a simple card and
a brief note) to help them realize that there are many who WOULD have
made the same choices that Amber had. I know one, and she knows who
she is ( a shelter giver) and i was also pointed out another who (a
wonderful ferret advocate) who would also risk life and limb for her
ferrets. I am neither of them, but that is what is in my own heart too,
should that crisis ever present itself to me. I have known a lifetime
of scorn by humans and a lifetime of love through my animals. I did not
post this loss for anything but to make HER sacrifice known throughout
the ferret community , as there are so many UNKNOWN ferret rescues ( I
would venture that Amber wasn't a rescue/but a fellow ferret lover just
the same) that fly under the radar (so to speak) and do it quietly.
Their works are done quietly and without complaint or request. As well
as other animal lovers who have that quiet bond, between themselves
and their furried ones. I don't want to take anything away from anyone
who is an animal lover, i just would like to acknowledge this woman for
her love and courage. Just like anyone else, who makes that ultimate
sacrifice for another being, be it man for mankind, man / woman for
animal, or even yet still animal for mankind. Man can take life, but
only God can restore it. I hope she rests well cradled in the arms of
her creator I hope her family can find peace in their wrestle with what
has happened & especially WHY. And i pray for guidance, in helping them
heal if it is to be. Like many of you, i struggled to hold back the
tears for the bravery of this woman to save lives that others would
possibly deem not worthy of their own. No greater love has he, than a
man should lay down his life. . .

Alexandra, i am so glad that YOU are back and all of your wonderful
entertaining stories, that help us get through this life of ours. I
knew where your heart was at the day you posted, i could hear it cry
out in the pain that we often feel in a great loss. I always remember a
scripture that reads : Judge NOT lest YOU be judged by the SAME measure
that you are using to measure with, for with this measure so shall it
be measured out to YOU.

I am pretty much a lurker here. But sometimes i just have to speak up

Respectfully to all you shelters and personal mommies and daddies to
these beloved little beings that are a wonder and a puzzle and most of
all loved by someone.

Mommy to Eppy and Copernicus

[Posted in FML 6155]