I usually try to write things that are funny or poignant (or at least
semi-poignant). But today I just have an idea. It's a simple idea, but
we who love ferrets are just dumb enough to maybe give it a go. Here
it is:

Our shelters are in deluge. This economy sucks. If I could, I would
smack Wall Street and all the other irresponsible corporations being
propped up by our government (which is *us*) upside the head for their
greed and waste. I'm a big guy. It would be a hard smack. The amount
AIG recently spent on a seminar for some BS "training" could probably
have put most ferret shelters in the country in the black. And *we're
paying for it*. Thinking about it annoys me to no end. Now, there is
nothing we can do about these idiots, but maybe there's something else
we can do.

Think how many ferrets we could save if as many ferret owners as
possible would take in *just one more*. Not ferret shelters, mind you.
That will happen without anybody doing anything, unfortunately. I would
love it if shelters could take in *less*. That's the point. But if
individual ferret owners could see it in their hearts to take in just
one more, it would make a real difference. I know it would. Kinda like
paying it forward.

Some of us (well, lots of us) have been victims of ferret math. Why not
do it deliberately? My wife and I have taken in two that were going to
the pound (or worse). We do not have money. We are not even "middle
class." It will not be easy, especially if any of our guys get sick,
but that was always the case for most of us anyways, eh?

Just one more, that's all I would ask. Many of us have already done
this, but for ferret owners who are apprehensive about doing something
like this, just give it a thought. If you have two ferrets, one more
will not be that much harder. And if you have ten, well... you probably
wouldn't even notice ;) One more is not that much harder if you think
about it. And even if it is, where else are all these ferrets going to
end up? We don't like to think about it. If you have it in your hearts
to help ferrets in these tough economic times, think of how much it
would help if those that could, or would, or would at least consider
it, would take in just one more. Just one more.

I know it won't be easy. Maybe this is a stupid idea. Maybe I'm just
spinning the wheels in my head. But the one you take won't end up
dumped in the woods. The one you take won't end up on Craigslist.
The one you take won't end up euthanized, abused, or neglected. That
doesn't sound so stupid, does it?

Just one more. As many of us that could do it. Just one more. Nobody
else is going to do it. Not the government, not Obama, not Animal
Control or the Humane Society. They can't do it. Only we can. Just one
more. They did things like this in the Great Depression. Everyone came
together and helped each other. Maybe this is silly on my part. Maybe
I'm being a bit emotional. But it is no worse for one to think this way
than it is to turn one's head away from the problem as if it weren't

Just one more. We could do this. Your thoughts?

35.246302 ~ -106.717857

PS: If you do decide (or have already decided) to take in just one
more, I would love to hear about. My wife and I have already taken
in two beautiful boys, and we (and they) couldn't be happier.

[Posted in FML 6154]