My SINCERE thanks goes out to all the IFC Committee members and
Volunteers that organized the event, to all the speakers that gave of
their time to be there, to all the Vendors (both Corporate and Ferret
Rescue vendors)

BUT ... Especially to Bill Gruber and Helen McLean, without their
expertise the Symposiums wouldn't/couldn't be what they are!

You people all work so tirelessly behind the scenes for us and for the
ferrets and never look for the recognition that you all so DESERVE!

AND .... Let's not forget several that GAVE UP MORE than they bargained
for, LOL .... Barry Fritz and Joel Vanderbush - who shaved their heads
and Dr. Jerry Murray- who shaved his beard ..... They raised over $2000
for the IFC! I won't mention who chickened out on this deal, LOL.

My only regret about the Symposiums ... They're TOO SHORT, LOL. You
meet the BEST people there and you just don't have enough time to

I MISS you guys already and can't wait for the next one!


[Posted in FML 6152]