Dear Pat-

As an FML member in...well...not exactly *good* standing anymore (but
still standing though!) I would like to compliment you on your gracious
apology, posted yesterday. We don't see too many of those here, but I
always think that it says something special about the people who have
the courage to say " I'm sorry." Most people simply don't have the
sand. It is to your credit that you do.

Yeah, Gordon is a lunatic, but he is *our* lunatic and I am glad to
have him around.

Gordon, put that ferret down and put the lid back on the 55 gallon
barrel of tar. Quit it. Now. You know what a mess that always makes.
Black, sticky footprints all over the house. Thousands of them. Plus,
it puts fur in the *tar*.

Alexandra in MA

[Posted in FML 6150]