The lady down at VA Beach that had all the ferrets is still in deep
emotional stress from what happened. I never knew her to have less than
100 ferrets in her shelter, none were dehydrated, none were starved,
none were neglected. And none that were brought to her were turned
away. I know of other VA Beach shelters that would not take in a ferret
if the animal was not young or marketable for profit, but this lady
took them all, young, old, sick, infirm, anything. Yes she is a good
friend, a valuable person the animal nation lost to some idiot
neighbors and incompetent control officers.

As to my humor, yup. I do have a strange way of looking at some things
and not every one understands or cares but just see the words and go
nuts with retort. Am used to the flames and not bothered, I know what
kind of person I am better than anyone and I self judge as being kind,
caring, involved and dedicated to what I believe in. I believe in
shelters and taking in shelter animals. Have had more than a dozen over
the last decade. Few last more than a few years where they are old in
the first place and just expire naturally. At least in my home they
have a huge cage, lots of 'out' time, lots of food, water, soft
bedding, toys and most of all love. I love them all, even the ones that
were mean and biters of me and other ferrets. Nibble-ed killed Bud, but
Nib had redeeming qualities also. She was just being the animal she
was. After all, ferrets are animals, just like humans.

Thanks to all for your posts of support. Peekaboo is standing here
dripping in WD-40 waving to you while Pester is being Pester.

By the way, when those two came here both were very skinny and totally
without body tone. Today they are fattened up, hard in body muscle all
over, and full of spice and vinegar. Peekaboo would nip me now and then
but she quit that. She had very little human attention prior and now
loves it. Pester (and Peekaboo) were 'trained' to live in a cage 24x7.
Having 'out' time was novel to them. They would be out for a few
minutes but would go straight back to the cage. They still do but the
out time extends to all day and the cage is only a pit stop.

Someone said so very well, if you don't like my posts, then no law says
you have to read them. If you do, caveat. Thanks for the support!

Gordon, Peekaboo and Pester

Rev. J Gordon Bengtson
Aarrow-Ranch Aviation
Mechanicsville, Virginia  23111

[Posted in FML 6149]