This conference is great. Meeting the people I've read on the FML and
emailed w -- it'ss a big pleasure. Several of the lectures have been
very useful, and it's been great to meet peoples' ferrets here and
there. I've seen some enORmous guys.

A couple of the young women vets have talked with me about donating
equipment and supplies to the diagnostic lab in Addis!!! So far the
possibilities include microscopes, centrifuges, and associated

Yesterday evening I got some painful news from Addis, but it is pretty
well resolved. Tsige was secreting away things of ours. But it turns
out that she is finally pregnant! She's so embarrassed and upset about
taking things w/o control.

Saba and I think it's nesting behaviour, and we've all chosen to accept
it that way and go on from here.

[Posted in FML 6149]