Dear fellow FMLers.

Thank You Gordon for standing up for out mutual friend. I have known
this lady for over 10 years and I have visited her shelter three times.
We are good ferret friends. It is a crime what the A.C did to this lady
who was ill and had several physical probs at the time this all went
down. I also know that she did not have any frets that were dehydrated
or ill fed as this just isn't what she is about. It is very interesting
tho that very few of the folks she helped over the years turned their
back on her. I have strood up for her even to my own determent but so
be it. I have tough skin and I can take the slings and arrows that
comes when you are pioneer in anything. Anyway people are still calling
her for help with ferrets. WHY?? Becos anyone who knows her knows how
knowledgeable she is about everything ferrets. Even thos who have had
disagreements with her in the past still admire what she knows. Now I
don 't agree with everything folks tell me either but when this lady
says something about ferrets ya can bank on it folks.. So true. Anyway
I am looking foreward to seeing the time when she can once again help
the ferret community. Hey she was the one who first introduced me to
Ferret for Dummies by Kim S.. I met Kim at Portland a year or so ago
and wow what a lady she is.. I am missing the Symposium this year due
to my wife being ill. OBTW Would all of you who are prayer warriors
Please hold up my wife Juanita (Nita for short) in your prayers for
healing.. PLEASE.. She has Cervical Cancer and has to have a radical
Hysterotomy next Thursday here in Reno. Thank You All. It has been a
rough year for us here but Thank God all my fuzzers have been doing
great. My DMK boy is losing a bit of hair around him butt Altho I think
it he just blowing his coat cos he has some serious new hair in the
process of coming in. LOL. He is about 16 months old now. Folks this
boy is such a treasure. Yeah I know lets go bury him then eh??LOL. He
is smelly I am told and he "stinks". What does anyone around here but
me know anyway? I love his Eau D' Hobb and he can put out that odor
all day long. I still love on him and let him roam. He is very very
muscular. I mean when ya pick him up it is like picking up a fuzzy
brick...LOL. Yes he is that heavy. I need to get a new scale cos the
last one got ruined in the flood of '05...LOL.

Anyway Folks, We as a community need to help those that have problems
not gang up and try to tear them a new one when they get into problems.
One thing I did see, I got alot of emails from folks I never knew or
have ever talked to who supported my friend in VaBch. WHY? WHY would
they want to support an "abuser or neglecter of ferrets"? Becos she
didn't do it.. alright then eh? Yeah I know but as matter of fact that
whole animal Control down there has undergone a complete over haul.
WHY? Becos there were big problems at the top and all the way down. Ask
yourself one question.. WHY were all the animals on one tuck the ones
hat were destroyed and among them were several young frets including a
two year old Hob who was the picture of health an some five and even
six year old ferrets were not killed? WHY?? WHY?? WHY??. HHMM?

Anyway I give my Best to all of you out there. We need to come together
as a group to help each other. We have a new President now who preaches
"unity" I dunno if he will or not BUT he has promised so we will see.
Not my choice but he is our next President so lets see.

Fred A. Hurd
Reno Ferret Rescue

After All It Is For The Ferrets!!!

[Posted in FML 6148]