With all the sadness at the loss of our viewing pleasure with Georgia
and Peanut's departure, let us not forget that Travis is still out
there trying to protect Peanut's relatives from the plague. He needs
donations to go out on the prairies and round' em up to vaccinate the
BFF's and dust the P-dogs for fleas. ( Read his blog on the Small
Animal Channel.) I know times are tight but if we all would send $10 or
$25 it would help a lot. It is tax-deductible and you will receive an
envelope with informative brochures and a beautiful photo refrigerator

You can make your check out to Prairie Wildlife Research, P.O. Box 308,
Wellington CO 80549

Carol J.Owens
Ferret Friends, Inc
Tucson AZ

[Posted in FML 6113]