If you were a FCC Bureaucrat, would you believe this excuse,
requesting two New Television Converter Box Discount Coupons?

My Two pet ferrets stole and stashed my two coupons.
I did not find them, until after the expiration dates.

Owned By Sweet Charity And Lucia!
Ferrets Rule My World!
Every Ferret Has A Song And Dance!

October 27, 2008

Dear Consumer:

This email is in response to your appeal of the denial of your coupon
application. We have reviewed the information you provided in your
appeal and all applications submitted for your household. Your
duplicate application remains denied because your household has
already been approved for, or has already received two coupons.

If you have reapplied because your coupons have expired or you have not
received your coupons, we are prohibited by law from replacing your
coupons. While we understand that many situations may have caused your
coupons to expire, we are prohibited, under all circumstances, from
replacing coupons. Individuals who are seeking additional coupons
beyond the maximum allowable per household may ask friends or family
members at other households to request coupons they may not need
themselves. While it is illegal to sell coupons, giving a coupon away
for free is not prohibited under Program regulations.

If you have applied recently, but have not yet received your coupons,
you can now expect to receive your coupons within 30 days from when you
apply. Should you not receive your coupons within that time period,
please be patient as mailing delays have been known to occur.

Program information is available on the website at:



Consumer Support Center
TV Converter Box Coupon Program

[Posted in FML 6140]