Just a warning....

You will be in for a pleasant experience when you meet the charming
eloquent Nell at the symposium. It was my privilege to meet her at
Zoos Ferret Sanctuary last weekend. You will definitely feel the warm
fuzzies when you engage this most interesting lady.

Nell...it was a delight to meet you. You ARE an elegant Bohemian. I do
not think I ever met anyone like you. It was a rare treat.

Hope you are taking good notes on all the emergencies and ailments and
how to treat them, and on the meds you will need when you go home. Know
you must be having fun helping to scoop 100 litter boxes, change 100
cuddle cups and blankets and hammies, and discovering much fun it is
to lift up all that litter and refuse. (All while Zoo is handling all
those emergency phone calls, and educating people who may think they
know it all on how to really care for a ferret. Does that woman ever

Bongo was one of the ferrets Zoo worked with for many weeks to keep
alive that I found. I took him home Saturday night. Instead of trotting
around to see the sites, he lay listless and spit up a bit. So I was
one of a number of those emergency calls to Zoo. She suspects a problem
due to his head jerking when he eats his food. He appears to have a
problem swallowing. Now I think we have insulinoma. So it is off to
the vet this Wed.

He was so close to death for many weeks. Every day he lives in comfort
is a blessing. He would have died shortly after I found him if not for
Zoo. She tested, tested, tested, and tested while trying different
things to get him better.

Anyway....hope those of you going to the symposeum enjoy Nell. Sorry I
cannot afford to go this year. I have too many here to care for that
are not well now, and would not trust a pet sitter. And each day off
of work costs me $300 some dollars.

I always have hope for the next year!


[Posted in FML 6137]