Waffles- a sable whippet bundle of energy, our guard ferret; Nothing
came through our door without her scrutiny, but what were her first
family smoking?

Pepe- a blue eyed marked white deaf boy with such an engaging intro
that his name just fits!" hi, I'm Pepeeee!"

Ivan, callled "Bugyman"- Ivan was a large blue eyed marked white deaf
RC boy, our first out right deaf kid.

He too was very outgoing and bold enough to steal treats out of others
mouths! but so engaging that no one got mad at him. In the beginning,
he followed me around like white on rice, hence the nick name Bug- a

I mostly l;et the ferrets "tell"me their names by theri personality,
but if one comes with a name already, i usually keep it.

[Posted in FML 6137]