I have one very busy snoopy girl who gets in to everything! Including
my purse if I leave it out where she can get it. I just found her today
rooting around in it and she found a mayonnaise packet from a deli
sandwich, still unopened. They can smell the fat through anything, I
swear! I also have a rather large white boy,Rikki, just over a year
old, who ate well on TF and ballooned to over 1900 grams. But since I
have added some other boys to his group he is slimming down with more
activity, down to a mere 1600 or so grams now. He recently went in to
a large plastic storage pitcher meant for cereal. The opening is about
two inches. It was quite comical to watch him get in and then exit
through that hole. One time he was in there and also his just plain
large buddy Casper. It was quite a load.

Carol J.Owens
Ferret Friends,Inc.
Tucson AZ

[Posted in FML 6127]