If you have a bad infestation, using methods to repel roaches won't
work. I have heard that diatomaceous earth doesn't work very well on
roaches, though I've never tried it myself. If Zoo says it works, then
I'm sure it does. If you do try it, be sure to get the Food Grade

You can have the exterminator come in and spray. Just keep the ferrets
out of the room(s) where the spray is until it has completely dried.
Check it yourself. I recently had the exterminator spray in the kitchen
behind the appliances, where Rocky can't go. He sprayed on the floor
in front of them also and I noticed there was quite a bit of liquid so
I wiped it up. I didn't let him spray around the edges of the kitchen
where Rocky's newspapers are, but the roaches were only seen by the the
dish drain. I have them in the bathroom too, but didn't have him spray
in there because Rocky catches and eats the big roaches (which aren't
a problem as they are rare and come individually; it's the small ones
that multiply like crazy) and I was afraid that if a big one got
poisoned and Rocky ate it, he would get sick. I use the bait traps in
there for the small ones, which Rocky doesn't eat. If you use them,
get Combat. They work better than others. Don't use the big traps for
big roaches just in case your ferrets eat them.

I have also had my place treated for bedbugs, which requires a lot of
furniture dissembling and spraying, in both the bedroom and living
room, but at the time I took Rocky and went to stay with a friend for
a couple of days.

Despite previous treatments, I once again have bedbugs, roaches AND
mice!!! Since I can't take Rocky to someone else's house (now that
he's older and ill), my boyfriend sprays occasionally for the bedbugs.
We still have some but it doesn't worry me too much as they don't bite
me or Rocky--only the bf LOL!

As for the mice, I have a great no-kill trap from a company called
FarmTech. I've caught and "relocated" many.

The problem is if you have neighbors that have any of these creatures,
they will probably come back into your place. So after you get rid of
them maybe some of those natural repellents might work. I haven't had
a roach problem in many years and now all of a sudden ... I got rid of
the bedbugs but then I heard people on upper floors had them and they
came back... I didn't have mice for a couple of years, when Rocky made
his first catch, and now they're back too.

So don't be embarrassed by your problem; it's not your fault. To make
myself feel better, I think, "I'm living in Wild Kingdom!" LOL

Good luck,
Shron & Rocky

[Posted in FML 6112]