I'm reducing ghe size of my ferretry and I"m getting rid of cages and
other ferrets items. I"ll be offering ferret cages and bedding for the
next ew weeks. Pix on request.

I have 2 cages for sale
1. is about 18"w x 24" long and 36" high. Bars are very close togehter
and it could dobule as a rat cage. 4 levels, kramps between levles.
Wire flooring. Lifts out of a tray for cleaning. 2 doors. $45

A larger cage whish is about 2' x 3' x 4' h. 2 levels. Nice wide ramps
between levels. 2 levles and a shelf between the first and second
level. On casters for easy moving. Doesn't break down. If I don't this
cage completely cleaned out before you pick up, I"ll drop the price.
No supplies included.


[Posted in FML 6119]