
One of my ferrets did this same thing when he went to stay with Auntie
Diane at South Shore Ferret care.

She called me the day before I was coming home to tell me that she
thought she was going to have to let my Lester go, because he wasn't
doing well and he was tired. He had been sick and I had hoped that
nothing would happen while I was gone.

I asked to talk to him on the phone so that I could say good-by. I told
him that I loved him and that I would like it if he could wait for me
to get home, but if that wasn't possible then it was ok for him to go.
Then I gave her permission to do what she needed to do. That night I
got a call from her telling me that he was better and eating. Also he
and the other ferret that was with him had started using the litter
box, which neither had beed doing since they got there! All that from
a phone call. Maybe you need to let this little one talk to his family
on the phone so they can assure him that they will be home next week.

Sounds crazy, but it worked for my Lester!


[Posted in FML 6117]