The orange build up on his tail and presumably between his toes, is
the normal oil they produce in their coat. This is what is produced in
greater quantities in unneutered males in season and makes them stinky,
it can make an unaltered albino quite orange in colour in the summer.

If your boy is inclined to produce more than average then that will
explain why he is a bit smaller. Unfortunately bathing a ferret just
stimulates their coat to produce even more oil so his regular showers,
especially with the use of shampoo are probably making him smellier.
None of my 6 ever get bathed, well Jill was once when she rolled in
pooh, and so long as their bedding is changed weekly they do not smell
and have lovely healthy coats

The tail thing is just rat tail, unless there is hairloss elsewhere,
and will recover at his next moult, some people do gently bath the tail
with plain water and swear t helps but I don't and mine grow back a
lovely full tail in the winter Mary

[Posted in FML 6110]