First off, Vicki with Tricks and Treat rescue wanted to thank all you
for help and support they have received so far. So many of you have
sent packages, gift cards and food for the fuzzys, and she so greatly
appreciates it. Once she is able to get back online she will post a
formal thank you. She did ask that I be sure and tell Connie and Staci
thank you, Carolyn Dister, Dana and Mary segalla and Julie Brown thank
you. I am sure she has received more items since then and I will do my
best to get those informed that she has recieved them.

She is still with out electricity and it not getting much help from
FEMA or the insurance co. Apparently they have been pulling some of
the escapeds as they did with Katrina.

Every little bit helps and every little bit is so greatly appreciated.
I thank all of you too for coming forward to help and give support. I
know times are so tight for everyone and its so sad how we all struggle
to live from day to day, but its people like you, with loving hearts,
that make this awful world worth while. THANK YOU!

Crazyferretmom  (julie johnson) and the 13 fuzzbutts
Memory of Sidney Sue, Slinky, Allie Boy, Polo Man, Roscoe, Fiona,
Milo, Piggy & Jazzy
Gone in body, not spirit.

Go check out the Raffle for Ferrets, help support the fuzzys

Ebay store

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[Posted in FML 6107]