It was a great day at de Bridge. So SaraFerret decided to zip on over
to de Saints' Place and visit with dem. She arrived dere to see dem all
together for once. Dey had decided to go to de Otters' MudSlide and
invited her along. Well dat sounded just great to her. So off she went,
trailing along after de 23 Saints. Once there, she tried to figure out
all dere names. She knew Ozzy and Shadow and Crissy and Whitney. But
she was having trouble with de others, so dey all introduced demselves
once again. Dere was Baby, Bandit, Bear, Buddy, Beasley, Casey, Daisy,
Freddy, two Hollys, Houdini, Laser, Mitzi, Moxy, Murphy, Sandy, Smokey,
and of course, Toby. Den intros over, we took off our wings and laid
dem nicely on de grass and started one by one to climb up de log dat
let to de mudslide and den slid on down it into de pit of mud. Of
course we each gots covered in mud dat was half de fun. Of all of us,
Ozzy was having de most fun as dis was all so new to him. In fact, he
and Shadow raced each other back up de log to slide down again before
any of us had even caught our breath.

Just den, Mimi, de little girl courier, flew up with a note, and looked
around and asked, "Where are you, SaraFerret? All I can see is a group
of muddy ferrets. Raise you paw up so I can find you." So SaraFerret
raised up one muddy paw and Mimi asked of she remembered greeting Ozzy
and if so his Mommy wants to know how he is "Well of course I do,"
she replied. "In fact, he is rights here." Den Ozzy raised his muddy
paw. Den SaraFerret's mind drifted back to de day day Ozzy crossed de

It had been one of dose days at de bridge and SaraFerret was very busy.
Dexter flew up with his note explaining dat he had been delayed cause
he dropped his note and had to go back and get it. But dere was a fuzzy
crossing de bridge and she best hurry if she was to meet him. So she
quick drops everything and rushes to de entrance and no fuzzy crossing
de bridge and no one in sight. (She whispered a greeter prayer--please
let dat fuzzy be rights around here). She peeked around a corner and
JOY! dere was de little fuzzy waiting patiently.

Den I bounces rights up to him and introduces myself, "Hi I am
SaraFerret and I am de bridgegreeter. Welcome to de Rainbow Bridge. Dis
is your new forever home. Have you been waiting here long?" (Hoping dat
it had just been a minute or so)

De litle fuzzy was happy to see me and answered, "My name is Ozzy and I
just now got here. I was so tired from my long trip that I just decided
to sit down for a while and rest in the cool grass that you have here.
I belong to Mommy Sally. Do you know her? I feel kinda lonesome here
with nobody I know here. Mommy sent along this nice fleece for me to
keep warm with too. But its all in my backpack. I was feeling all sick
before I took my trip but I am feeling lots better now."

"Well Ozzy, I said, there happens to be lotsa your friends here too.
Later you will get to see dem. I don't know your Mommy Sally, but I
heards lots about her. Would'ya like to show me your fleece in your

So Ozzy unzipped his secret backpack (unlike humans, ferrets can take
it with them--anything they can stuff in dere secret backpacks dey can
take across de bridge), and took out de beautiful fleece. Oh it was so
pretty, and he rubbed it against him and den he stuffed it back into
his pack along with his Mommy's scent. Den he noticed my wings and he
was amazed.

"What are those things on your shoulders?" he asked.

"Dese are wings to fly about de clouds with, I replied. and you will
get a pair of dese too.'

So off we went down de garden path toward de Wing House where de wings
were stored. We opened de door and what to his surprise, dere was his
old buddy, Shadow. And dey danced and jumped around with joy. Ozzy went
to de counter and saw de big box (of course). He opened de box and took
out de wings--Red with orange streaks--his Mommy's favorite colors. I
helped him on with his wings and Shadow adjusted his halo. He ran to de
big vanity mirror and gazed at his reflection and saw what a handsome
fuzzy he was. As we left dere we were met by a large fuzzy group

At dat moment, I awoke from my remembering with Mimi waving de note. So
we all ran to de Lily Lake and scrubbed ourselves clean of de mud from
de mudslide, put on our wings, and headed for de Misting Pond. We sat
down beside de cool clear water and with one swish Ozzy saw a vision of
Mommy Sally with three fuzzies appear. He started waving and dooking
with all of his might.

"Mommy, I feel great now. I love you so much. Thank you for loving me.
I have wings now and I can fly. Thank you for holding me close to you
when I was crossing."

Den he started throwing hugs and kisses and promises and wrapped dem
with all of his love and laid dem on a nearby shooting star which was
headed toward your house and by de time you should read dis it should
have landed dere. And with another swish de vision was gone.

So dey headed down de road to de Saints' Place and I went toward my
cottage and I gave Ozzy a big hug as we parted ways. We were all so
tired from a big day at de Rainbow Bridge.

Lovey and hugs,
SaraFerret, bridgegreeter

[Posted in FML 6082]