Every day we read about the losses of beloved ferrets by other members
of this list. Every day we empathize and feel the pain of loss that can
come at any time. There but for the grace of God on this day go I and
my little ones....

With this in mind, I try my very best to make quality time for our five
little ones every day. Whether I'm inundated with work, whether I'm
feeling ill or overtired, whether I've got chores and errands to do, no
matter what... I make the time to spend with them, not only cleaning
their cage and so on, but reinforcing our bond and (hopefully)
enriching their lives with quality play time. No matter what else life
throws at me, I do my best to make time for them, because tomorrow
never knows...

In Memory of Neo
Caring for Trinny, Morphy, Baby Girl, Luna, and Dozer

[Posted in FML 6100]