I hadnt realized how many emails I would receive about my post on those
shower curtain rings vs. the mini carabiners. I just want to clarify
any confusion.

Carabiners come in 2 styles. The most common style is the key ring
type. Unfortunately, due to the way they are designed, the opening
in them could possibly be a danger.

The style I was talking about in my post is the "Figure 8" style. They
are the ones that are the safest. The size I use is the smallest
available. They are slightly less than 2 inches long. The inside
opening is a hair shy of 3/4 inches wide on one end, and about 1/4 inch
on the other.

Email me off list for photos of them.

Once they are attached to the bedding and the cage, it is best to hang
them with the larger opening facing down. That will eliminate any
chance of getting a leg or paw caught, also. Kind of like an inverted

As far as a website for them, there is not one that I know of for this
particular item. But there are websites for other carabiner sellers.
You can even get them engraved from some. I didnt know that until I
received an email from a lady. What a great idea that would be as
a?gift for a shelter, or advertising for a bedding seller. But those
are a bit pricier! I just have the "no-frills" low cost type.

Due to the interest that has been shown, I am considering getting a
large order and listing some of them on ebay. Probably in lots of 20.
Of course, they will be priced a little higher in order to cover all
those pesky ebay selling, and final value fees! But as I stated in my
earlier post, I am still willing to sell them at my cost, plus shipping
to anyone who would like some. As long as ebay is not involved. Just
doing what I can to help all small animal owners keep their pets safe!

Now, go hug your fuzzies!

[Posted in FML 6100]