WARNING: There is a lady in the Apple Valley Minnesota (southwest of
the Mpls/St Paul metro) area that is posing as a rescue. She scans the
internet ads for free or cheap ferrets. Then she resells them or dumps
them at the humane society, if she collects too many. She dumped
between 25-30 ferrets at a local humane society about a month ago. A
lot of them had to be euthanized because they were in such poor health.
I know this because I am working with the animal investigator that
works there.

She uses several names/emails. So please, if you are selling or
adopting your ferrets to other people, do a home inspection and get
a vet reference.

It is scary that some people are out there?are just trying to profit
from ferrets at the expense of these precious little creatures.

Thank you,
 ...in the Company of Ferrets, Inc.

[Posted in FML 6098]