To Alexandra,

I don't think you're hated at all, certainly not by the VAST majority
of us. Most of us really enjoy you and many love you.

What I HATE are those arrogant, merciless people who are under the ill-
conceived notion that it is their duty to correct or belittle others.
It's NOT their job or place; and most of us DON'T welcome their opinion
when it's negative and harmful. The next time they think their hateful
opinion is a gift to the rest of this, perhaps they should remember:
"Discretion is the better part of valor".

ARROGANCE IS UGLY. judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who
has not been merciful. MERCY TRIMPHS OVER JUDGMENT. (James 2:13)

This list should nurture, not tear down, help not hurt. How many of us
have not reached out to the rest of the group because they were afraid
of being flamed? How many wonderful people have left this list because
of the poisonous words of others?

I hope you come back and stay with us, Alex. We want you, we need you.
I know that it's easier said than done, but I hope and pray that you
can somehow steel yourself against those judgmental, nasty people. They
are WRONG. They bring pain, division and darkness to this list. I hope
that you can let their stupid, misguided words roll off your back; that
you stop torturing yourself with second-guessing; and move forward with
your life, love, and loved ones. Our thoughts, empathy and prayers are
with you.

ferret mom of 6


[Posted in FML 6096]