Just like the accident between my dog Jazz and my kitty, Sea Biscuit,
there was no way to know that Jazz would have ever attacked Biscuit.
Not in a million years. These two were raised together for a number of
years, best buddies, always slept together. There is no way I could
have EVER foreseen that one day Jazz would attack her bestest friend in
the world. But it did happen and Biscuit still wears the scars today
because of it. When Jazz passed away just after Easter of this year
from old age, we elected not to get another dog. This decision was
based strictly on us feeling that we would have a hard time finding
another dog that would get along well with the other pets in the
house. We also have more freedom to go on trips without worrying about
boarding a dog. So, for now, we have elected to remain dogless. We are
still grieving for our Jazz who was a part of our family for 13 years.
We may never have another dog at all. Only time will tell about that

Anyway, there is no way any of us can know ahead of time that an
accident is going to happen. All we can do is do the best we can to
prevent accidents. There is no way anyone can convince me that what
happened between my Jazz and Biscuit could have been foreseen. If I
had even thought for a second that Jazz would bite Biscuit, then we
would have never allowed the animals to interact. There is just no
way we could have known ahead of time. It was an accident.

proudly owned by 11 kitties, 2 ferrets and one rabbit with a floppy ear
(seriously, only one ear stands up)

[Posted in FML 6095]