>From: TLE via Brenda Johnson
>Subject: TLE weekend
>Well the Kansas Judicial System needs me for Jury Duty selection on
>Friday, Sept 26th, which is the first date of the planned house
>So, let's keep the dates and plan to meet mid-afternoon on Friday.
>This way if I don't get picked for jury duty I should be back home
>by that time, and if I do, someone can be there to meet everyone.

Katy Carr and I will probably arrive Friday afternoon. Edwina may come
but has other committments she needs to clear. Edwina is better with
tools than I am but I can paint, carry food, etc. We also have a
ceiling fan if one is still needed. We will probably stay in a motel
Friday night as the Ferretear (trailer) is still in Montana. Back to
KC late Sat.

Bobbi McC

[Posted in FML 6095]