>Date:    Fri, 12 Sep 2008 22:36:21 EDT
>From:    [log in to unmask]

This post is one of the best I've read lately. The message is real
and should be taken to heart by everyone. I've always been under the
impression that this list is for sharing ferret related information
and therefore "learning" from each other. Mistakes will be made, and
accidents will happen. That's life, and sadly, sometimes death.

Mom always pointed out, that nothing is so good that it couldn't be
better; and nothing is so bad that if you learn from it, that the
educational experience gained is good. Overdosing on good medicine
can kill you!

Somewhere in my learning, I remember a great man saying to a mob, "Let
him who is without sin cast the first stone". I thought that sounded
great, since none of us are without sin; As we all know, the mob stoned
that frail human to death. Is it possible, that we (collectively) are
becoming like that same mob? Words can inflict as much, if not more,
pain than a stone ever could. How can we have such compassionate words
coming from the minds of our "Bridge Greeters", and in the same issue,
the ridicule and condemnation of our fellow members who have shared the
deepest sadness and sorrows of their errors and mistakes with us. They
do this so that we might not make that same mistake and have to endure
those same agonizing pains ourselves. Let's stop the senseless finger
pointing, name calling and bickering. Let's get back to helping each
other towards helping ferrets. In my opinion, anyone who is here for
any other reason than the ferrets, can leave the room! It has been my
20 years of ferret experiences that, "Ferrets are a constant learning
process and every day is an educational experience".

Please send your flames to me personally as they have no place here,
and I can enjoy laughing at them in privacy.

Thanks, Dooks and Blessings,

Rick White

[Posted in FML 6093]