One, I would suggest finding a different vet, if they can't just do a
fecal on your fuzzy, and go from the most, $160 to $200 for
blood tests, but $500? I guess what you are getting for the $500 is an
ultrasound, fecal testing, x-rays, and bloodwork!!! My gosh...

Anyway - yes, it could mean something. But with these guys, if it was
really a symptom of something wrong, it wouldn't be once or twice a

I am going out on a limb and going to think that it's not worth it. I
think you yourself know that it's not necessary - but are trying to
cover your bases - because otherwise you'd have her in the vet and
not question it. That is a lot of money, for an irregular poopie.

BTW - I have perfectly healthy ferrets who end up having the most
ridiculous poopies imaginable. I've had occaisional green poops, weird
diarrhea, orange, runny, extra firm, loose, slimy, ones that seem to
spell out words, etc. I even kept a "figure 8" once until my fiancĀŽ
threw it out by mistake. My point is, if you see an irregular poopie,
just make sure it doesn't become a "regular" poopie. If it does, then
the $500 price and testing could be warranted.


[Posted in FML 6093]