FML Readers

I just have a little question for those who feel they can slam
Alexandra for an accident. I had a very near miss with a beloved ferret
and a washing machine, Do I deserve slamming?, did I get slammed? No.
How many near misses have y'all had? What happened to Alexandra's Ping
was an ACCIDENT. Accidents do happen. When Alexandra turned to the FML
for friendship and comfort, so many of you turned on her like a rapid
wolf. Are you so perfect that you can condemn her for an accident?.

Because of you "perfect" people we have lost one of the greatest
writers and contributors to the FML. Your harsh words chased Alexandra
away when she needed the FML most. How could you be so mean, so
hateful? Oh , I forgot, you're perfect fert parents.

I NEVER get involved in slam attacks but this has me so upset I could
just hiss.(as in ferret hiss) Alex may come back someday.... but she
will never be the same and I don't blame her one bit. You've taken an
accident and turned on her for it.

She needed the FML and you have betrayed the comfort and commeradie
that usually keeps most of us going. If this is what the FML has
become, mean and vindictive, then maybe I'll quit too.

BIG knows that it takes a lot to get me to post in an upset mode. But
in the days past that I have heard Alex leaving the FML I have not
changed my mind about what I thought about this, I have not calmed

I am sure that I am just one of MANY that will miss Alexandra's stories
and postings, and why? because some people don't understand the meaning
of the word ACCIDENT.

This is the only time I will post about this because as I said before I
do not get caught up in the unkind art of slamming. Just remember,
those of you who have accidents, don't post about it or the people who
have never had one will eat you alive.


[Posted in FML 6091]