Dear "VK Walsh":

Yes, I guess you *eventually* found a solution to your problem, & that
you obviously had a "tremendously successful outcome". How could you
have had otherwise? I mean, *really*?! Apparently, you've practically
perfect in every way, just like Mary Poppins.

Except, of course, that you let your "award winning rabbits" scream in
terror "night after night" until you finally came up w/ a solution -
putting yet *other, different* animals in harms way from these dogs!
Sheer genius!

Why didn't you simply MOVE THEM to another location that very first
night that your rabbits began their imposed sentence (by you) of living
in fear for their lives? If someone or something was terrorizing your
ferrets, in your house, night after night, would you lie there at
night, letting it happen, thinking, "gee, maybe I should think of some
way to stop this from happening?" Just how close must the physical
proximity to your bedroom be before your animals warrent your concern?
On your property? On your front porch? In your house? When does it
become important enough to address NOW?

What you experienced was not "success" - it was sheer, dumb luck. Luck
that your rabbits didn't actually *get* dragged out & slaughtered in
cold blood by the dogs that were terrorizing the, night after night.
Luck that, by your own admission, took some time before you hit upon
it. But then, of course, there's the problem of the geese, & *their*
safety...... did you eventually move the geese? Or was it a case of
"which animal do I value least?"

I'm sorry, but your "voice of experience" does not ring true.

If I engaged in abusive treatment of my pets, I could have anyone I
want come & inspect my premises, make things look great until they
leave, then go back to my old ways. It's done all the time.

Another thing. I will be the first one to admit that I have a lousy
memory. MS can do that to you. But, I don't recall seeing your name on
this list until now. Have you posted here before, or did you just join?
And if you did just join, did you do so just so you could comment
(cruelly) on Alexandra's plight? Because, to me, that's how it appears.

You can come in here & flaunt your belief in your "superiority" all you
want. However, I don't buy it. And I say shame on you - not just fo
the abusive treatment of your rabbits, but for your vicious attacks on
Alexandra. Shame on you, right down the line.

Lin, Max, Puck, & Ivan, & the Fugitives - Madison & Mason
~ Missing my angel Ariel - 20 April 2000 - 20 January 2007. Wait for
me, my Baby Girl. I miss you so much. ~
~ Missing my Oberon - 4 July 2001 - 5 May 2008 - I love you, my Big
Silly Boy. Wait for me. ~

email me at: kay tee en eye el at double-u owe aich dot ar ar dot see
owe em

[Posted in FML 6091]