Dear vkwalsh,

>Terrible things like this hurt us all, and we need to learn from it.
>As for those who defend someone clearly in the wrong, you are doing
>so from behind the veil of friendship and /or popularity which in the
>grand scheme of things does nothing to prevent further needless deaths.
>Please rethink your positions..."

In her own way, did you ever think Alexandra Sargent Colburn was trying
to convey the same sentiment? Because the first thing I did after
shedding a few tears for Ping is He, was double and triple check
every door latch and every dog and cat containment area in my home so
that the next time my ferrets came out to play they would be safe
from another animal having a bad day. I went over house rules with
housemembers for doing a dog and cat head count whenever the ferrets
were about to be released from the safety of their room, and I placed a
few extra pillows under the back of the sofa just in case someone fell
off accidentally.etcetera, etcetera.the point being, what I got out of
Alexandra's message was a warning that one can never let one's guard
down, don't take anything about one's ferret's security for granted.

Never did it occur to me to judge, place blame and twist the knife in
an already broken heart.

I did everything I could do once again to make my ferrets safe, because
that is all I can do. If Ping's death has saved just one ferret from
something so unimaginable, and Alexandra and Dann's pain put the fear
of the Creator in us all then it was well worth her sharing her grief
with us. (Since Ping and Puma are so loved as ferret ambassadors, it
was right for her to tell us that Ping had died, and of course we would
all want to know how-at no point was that a call for the sympathy and
understanding that you feel should be denied her).

I do not know Alexandra Sargent Colburn, I do not know you, you do not
know me. How sad and callous of you to pour salt in their wounds. How
presumptuous to think anyone else's ferrets need advocacy at such a
cost as losing not only Ping, but now Alexandra, Puma, the family and
now other caring ferret folks. It makes me sad to think that now worst
thing Allis Chompers ever did wasn't even killing Ping is He.

L R Wilson

From inside the Ferret Bubble

[Posted in FML 6089]