Wolfy writes:

>I became angry that the poster's words were so callous. The same exact
>points could have been made just as firmly without the destructive
>flaming. If a talk about dogs and/or supervision in general seems to be
>needed, well okay, bring on the debate. But don't bring on more pain to
>a sad situation. Don't bring more unnecessary discourse to a community
>that needs to remain bonded for the welfare of these animals as well as
>for each other.

Well said Wolfy, BUT, I have to disagree about the Great Oracle's
power. One click of the Ferrer Charmers fingers and the Oracle is
"POOF" history!

And Alexandra, don't you dare leave us. Please don't let this push you
away. I for one loved your original post and thought it was written
with such grace. I wish I could write like you. I would miss your
posts so much. Please reconsider.
Robin Jones

[Posted in FML 6088]