:::Singing and swaying:::: Now it's time to say good-bye, the raffles
gonna end:::

Shhhh Buddy, you can't sing at all!

But I was trying to tell everyone that the SOS Fall raffle is winding
up. Friday night, Sept 12th is the last date to make a paypal payment
for the SOS Fall Raffle...


the numbers will be sent to BIG Saturday morning...the winners
announced Monday, September 15th...

There are 20 coolamondo prize packages. Prize package 1 only, is an
original painting by Alicia Drakiotes...all proceeds from this will
go to Ferretwise Ferret Shelter in NH...

It's not to late to pay by Paypal, but it is to late to pay buy check,
unless of course you just want to send me a check, There is this really
cool sleep sack I ,,,,"OUCH"

BUDDY!!! Stop begging for money from these nice people. Let me do this.

You can go look what all is in this raffle...lots of neat stuff...

the Tickets are $1.00 each or $6.00 for 5.00.  Don't miss out
Thank you for supporting Support Our Shelters

Tonks & Buddy

[Posted in FML 6088]