First I want to tell you that I have had no internet for the past 2
weeks and just got back on line today.

I want to thank everyone who sent messages about Shadow and I will
send thank you's out very soon.

Last Sat. Aug 23 at approx. 2 pm I had to help Ozzy to the bridge.
This is the 4th ferret I have lost this summer and my heart is soooooo
breaking right now.

Ozzy is one of the trio that came from the family around the corner
from me. I have had them for about 4 years and have loved them, as
if I had picked them out myself.

So, that day I was taking Ozzy for a lupron shot. The week before his
sugar had crashed and we got him through that. I thought I might lose
him that week, but to my joy he came back. I expected that he would get
his lupron and I would be right back home with him. Dr. Cathy, bless
her, was listening to his chest and heard something she didn't like.
We decided that we should do an xray. What a shock we got. Poor Ozz
had a very large mass in his chest that was pushing his heart out of
position, collapsed a lung, and pushed his esophagus up toward his
spine. Cathy said that he probably had a few days to a week left and
they probably wouldn't be very nice days. I had to make the decision
right then and there. I wasn't prepared. I always wrap my babies in
polar fleece to send them off to the bridge. With tears running like
Niagara Falls I told Cathy that I didn't have the traditional polar
fleece. What an angel my vet is. She sent one of her staff into the
back and out they came with the most wonderful piece of fleece you
could imagine. It was bright red and orange (my favorite color). So I
held Ozzy as he left me, and I told him to find Shadow and the others.

Bridge greeters, you have always done such a good job welcoming my
babies and making them feel welcome. Please help Ozzy in that special
way too. I know he knows how much I love him and will miss him. Maybe
you could just reinforce that for me?

Now I worry about Lexie, who is the last of the three. She has adrenal
disease and insulinoma. I hope she doesn't miss her brothers too much
and decide to follow them.

Sally St Germain and her 3 Little Saints: Chase, Lexie, and Roxy 23
Little Angels at the Bridge: Baby, Bandit, Bear, Beasley, Buddy, Casey,
Crissy, Daisy, Freddy, Heidi, Holly #1, Holly #2, Houdini, Laser,
Mitzy, Moxy, Murphy, Ozzy, Sandy, Shadow, Smokey, Toby and Whitney.

Hi, my name is Sally.....I am a ferret-a-holic!

[Posted in FML 6081]