I am a Dog lover. I am a Ferret lover. I make no judgment on the
heartbreaking loss of 2 Ferts by 2 "separate" Dogs. One thing I DO
know is that the first Ferret loss to a Dog, as 'seen' by the second
Dog when it happened, DID NOT "teach" the second Dog to "Kill" Ferrets
because it "saw" the first unfortunate incident, as suggested by some
posters! ! 18 years of Ferrets, and 56 years of Dogs have taught me
that Canines have "naturally", possibly dormant, instincts toward
"small" animals. The first canine did not see the first incident, and
say to itself,..."Ohhh, now I`ve learned something".......... kill
small, furry 'anxious' & "crazy-acting" animals next chance I get!! I
make no 'verdict' on Alex`s past & present situations, only that the
above was NOT the case. Apparently, those suggesting that one Dog
learned to kill a Ferret from another`s actions, no matter whose fault
it was, has not had too much experience with Canines. Maybe learning
more about one of the species involved,....or "possibly" both, would
make some of these posts more "informed",...& correct!

Good luck to all involved,.....

Dooks to all.

John Rich  N.J. USA.
john rich <[log in to unmask]>

[Posted in FML 6087]