First off, Mr./Ms. VK Walsh, if you're going to share your concerns
and lecture someone about accountability, then at least be forthright
enough to sign your entire name to the deed. I think the word
"accountability" applies there somewhere.

Secondly, you apparently have no idea how these accidents occurred, as
your post is somewhat (oh, am I being polite...) *confused* about the
facts. If you are going to flame someone, then at least know of which
you are talking about and be *accountable* for your facts. You post
reflects that you know more about hysteria than accountability.

I know Alex from personal emails back and forth over the years, and I'm
pretty damn sure she knows how to keep her fuzzies safe from any known
dangers. *None* of us, and I mean *none* of us know how to keep our
fuzzies 100% safe. It's not possible, unless of course you lock your
fuzzies in a cage permanently and never let them out. And if you do
that, well... then they don't have much of a life, do they?

Alex's fuzzies were freer than most, and I assure you that they
have/had a full life. Nobody loves their fuzzies more than Alex and
her husband, and when both these accidents happened she told of them
here (which is how you could have looked it up and gotten your facts
straight). I think she's been pretty damn accountable.

I don't think you can lecture Alex and her husband on "accountability."
You would have to be a bit more *accountable* yourself, pull your head
out of your nether regions, and get your facts straight.

I'm sure my post won't be the only one suggesting something to this
effect, so I will give the list a break and leave you to mumble to
yourself in the dark.

There's always one, isn't there?

Certifiable Temporary Public Accountant
35.199551 N ~ 106.644249 W

[Moderator's note: Before 5 other people bring it up, Roary: Umm, and
YOUR full name, Roary? ;-) BIG]

[Posted in FML 6086]