I don't know if any of you ever used the ferret newsgroups. It was a
time before these ferret groups. AOL was the leader in chat groups.
Through them, I found Alt.Pets.Ferrets APF. In the late 90's it was
the place to be for ferret information. (before I found the FML)

One of the major contributors was Russell Prater. He was the * URA a
redneck* guy before Jeff Foxworthy even thought of it. A wealth of
ferret knowledge, he helped many a newbie (me) get through a crisis.

Russ passed away recently. Those of us that knew him best are trying to
raise enough funds to name a baby Black Foot Ferret after him. We're
having a raffle. It will end on September 10th.

Ignore the grits thing - that is a joke among the Carpetsharksink yahoo
group. Grits are good!

Anyhow, there are some good prizes there.

Please consider entering.


[Posted in FML 6086]