Hi helpful ferret friends,

I have friends moving from Canton to Greensboro, NC. They have boxes
of books, furniture, etc. that must be moved. Some of their belongings
will be given away, some sold at a yardsale (maybe), and some given
away. The remainder will need to be moved. My friend's husband is
unemployed. This is their last week in Ohio.

I thought I would check here to see if possibly anyone might be driving
this way and could bring a load for them. You never know until you ask!
Please email me at [log in to unmask] if you can help.

Thanks, you guys are the best!!

Tequita Williamson,Certified Birth Doula (DONA International)

PLEASE spay and neuter. It SAVES lives!

"The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be
ruled by evil men." ~ Plato

"For those with the purity to see it, a nursing mother is one of the
most precious, most beautiful, and most holy of all possible images
of woman." ~ Christopher West


End of FERRET-L Digest - 25 Aug 2008 to 26 Aug 2008 (#2008-6074)