Each to thir own, I prefer the non stretch, secure nylon harnesses,
and so does everyone I know. I don't know anyone who uses leather
harnesses, or figure 8, but hey if you like them fine.

As for cats, hawks, and seagulls, yes I do think they would be a threat
to a ferret staked out in the open , unsupervised and with no chance of
running away.

We live in quite densely populated area, in general the UK is less
spacious than the US, and cats here ar usually allowed to wander freely
rather than being indoor, confined pets. As some can catch an adult
rat I ma sure they would be a threat to a tethered ferret. Evan if
the ferret inflicted injuries on the cat at what cost to the ferret?

As for hawks, they are probably less of a risk to b honest, I know folk
who work ferrets and hawks and they do seem to be bale to recognise
that ferrets are not prey species, quite a feat considering the size
of a ferret. IMO.

And I can sense you sneering about the seagull threat, they eat fish
right/ Wrong, they are scavengers, thy live on human rubbish tips and
are almost completely fearless around man, they will attack an adult
human who they deem a threat to their food or young and as they are
unlikely to have ever met a ferret why would they be frightened of
one. Even if they didn't attack I am sure a large bird landing nearby
could be pretty stressful to a small animal with no means of escape.

No, mine will continue to have their supervised outdoor time either
on a lash with me at the end, in a rabbit run, with a lid and inbuilt
shelter, or on the odd occasion the are tethered it will be when I am
outside too gardening so I can make sure they are safe. Oh and I am
looking forward to taking them to my frinds on Tuesday as she is lucky
enough to have a ferret proofed yard and they will run around fre, whil
we are outside with them, just in case :)



[Posted in FML 6079]