As I am sure you have read in Lisa O's post regarding the web site
that we are hoping to use as a Central Location for information, I
wanted to let you know that the Disaster/Help  Assistance Form is
now up and we ask that one and all please complete this form so we
have the knowledge needed to get through Gustav, Hanna and whatever
disaster heads are way.

The National Ferret Rescue site is: - please complete the form on this
site and we will be able to log in the information so we have an idea
of where we stand with help.

At present, Gustav is a Cat. 4 and from what the weather channel has
just said there is a possibility of it becoming a Cat. 5. It has also
noted that there could even be a possibility that the Carolina's can
be involved.

Knowing this - please realize the need of assistance, who knows where
it will come ashore but we need to be ready. and let us know how you can help.


[Posted in FML 6079]