It was with great sorrow and many tears that we read of Pings passing.
Things will never be the same without him getting into everything
(although the chickens can now breath a sigh of relief). France the
Fricken Pigmy hedgehog was probably muttering things under his breath
as he greeted Ping at the bridge. And there will be no night time
flannel pj raids for Ping. No, not Ping, he'll go straight for the
chicken area! Don't know how the bridge greeters will deal with that.
What will Puma do without her partner in crime?

Please except our most heartfelt condolences on Pings passing and give
Allis a big hug, because as you have put it so eloquently, love is
bigger. Ping was well loved. Thank you so much for sharing him with us.

Hugs and Love,
Cindy and the gang at
Hiland Ferrets

[Posted in FML 6078]