Dr. Brent Johnson - Northwest Animal Care Hospital in Everett. Just
East of I-5 near the Everett Mall - http://www.nwanimalcare.com/

I'd met him at "Bark in the Park" last year at the Everett Aquasox -
an annual event where you can bring your dog to the baseball game.
They had several vets and pet food, toy manufacturers there and I had
chatted with him a bit about ferrets. Totally forgot about him until
the other day then did a search on him online and found he was very
knowledgeable in adrenal surgeries and was recommended by a ferret
shelter. That and SUPER close to me - like five miles!

Went there today with Ringo for an ear infection and he's wonderful.
We talked about just about all the ferret diseases and he's incredibly
knowledgeable. Plus great bedside manner - something totally missing
from our last vet. He was talking to Ringo and saying how cute he was
and rewarded him with Ferretone after cleaning out his ears. And when
he took a slide of the gunk in Ringo's ear the vet tech came and got
me and brought me back into their lab area and he showed me on the
computer monitor mites 6" high - GAH - that was pretty nasty! But very
impressed that instead of just "he has mites" they showed me how nasty
it was - full grown mites, juvenile mites, eggs. A freaking mite
factory - GROSS!!!!! I was half fascinated half wanting to hurl LOL

The whole staff there's super nice as well. When I first got there one
of the techs came over while I was waiting and said "So tell me a bit
about Ringo". At first I was wondering why she wanted to know so much
about what he liked to do until a little bit later she handed me an
adorable ID card for him! What they charged me for the office visit, a
full exam, throroughly flushing his ears, doing a microscope slide of
the ear gunk, meds for his ear infection, Revolution to kill the mites,
a few more months worth of Revolution and taking blood and doing a full
panel was WAY under what I would pay for the same at the last vet as
well. Total bill was around $200. The other vet EASILY would have been
$275 to $300.

I'll definitely be using them from now on and have an appointment in
two weeks to bring Ringo back for a recheck and to have Roxy and Johnny
Rotten get a check up. Then I'll bring two more the next week and the
last two the week after that since everyone's due for a checkup.

Here's Ringo's ID card. The black bars are my address and phone number
blacked out in my photo program. Just didn't want to put them on the
web for obvious reasons.


Oh and FYI - Ringo didn't even have the classic symptoms of mites -
scratching at his ears, blackish flaky crud. But his ears were totally
infested. I'm going to get all the fuzzies on Revolution to prevent
this in the future. Kinda wish I'd held my cell phone up and filmed the
skeevy mites for you all to see. But then again, not really sure you
guys would want to see something so NASTY!!!!


[Posted in FML 6077]